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Police Chief of South Sulawesi Welcomes Plan to Establish Forensic Doctoral Program at Hasanuddin University

Hasanuddin University (Unhas) received a friendly visit from the Head of the South Sulawesi Regional Police Inspector General of Police Andi Rian Djajadi, S.I.K., M.H. In addition to friendship, there were also discussions with the academic community about several things that could be developed together, including collaboration in the formation of the Forensic Science Doctoral Program at Hasanuddin University. The activity took place starting at 10.00 Wita in the Senate Meeting Room 2nd Floor, Unhas Rectorate Building, Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar, Monday (22/01).

On this occasion, the leadership of Hasanuddin University asked a number of questions as well as suggestions and input to strengthen the capacity of the South Sulawesi Regional Police. Prof. Dr. Baharuddin Talib, drg., M.Kes., Sp.Pros (K)., as Chairman of the Unhas Senate also had the opportunity to convey his ideas regarding the establishment of a Forensic Doctoral Program that could be collaborated with the South Sulawesi Police.

Prof. Bahar said the presence of Doctoral Forensics will be a strategic step in supporting the strengthening of research capacity and the development of Indonesian forensic science. The establishment of the Doctorate of Forensics Study Program is expected to become a centre of excellence in the field of forensics and make a positive contribution to the handling of criminal and judicial cases.

“The establishment of the Doctorate of Forensics Study Program can be developed by involving the South Sulawesi Regional Police. The presence of this study program will encourage research and innovation in the field of forensics that is relevant to technological developments and community needs, including handling cyber cases, “explained Prof. Bahar.

Menanggapi hal tersebut, Irjen Andi Rian menyambut positif jika hal tersebut bisa diwujudkan bersama. Menurutnya, kehadiran S3 Forensik sangat diperlukan sehingga nantinya Unhas dan Polda Sulsel bisa membangun kolaborasi melalui ketersedian SDM serta sarana prasarana pembelajaran lainnya yang sesuai dengan rencana prodi yang akan dibuat.

“Kami menyambut positif jika prodi ini bisa diwujudkan karena selama ini SDM Polri harus keluar negeri kalau mau mendalami penanganan kejahatan forensik dan dunia Maya,” ungkap Kapolda Sulsel.

Pertemuan berlangsung dengan penuh antusiasme melalui sesi dialog bersama sivitas akademika Universitas Hasanuddin. Sesi dialog tersebut menjadi forum interaktif di mana ide dan pandangan mengenai keamanan kampus dibagikan secara terbuka.

Translator: Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

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