Hasanuddin University was officially established in 1956. In the city of Makassar, in 1947 there was a Faculty of Economics which was a branch of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Indonesia (UI) Jakarta based on the decision of the Lieutenant General Governor of the Dutch East Indies Government Number 127 dated July 23, 1947. Due to uncertainty and chaos in Makassar and its surroundings, the faculty led by Drs L.A. Enthoven (Director) was suspended and reopened as a branch of the Faculty of Economics UI on October 7, 1953 under the leadership of Prof. Drs. G.H.M. Riekerk. The Faculty of Economics really came to life as the forerunner of Hasanuddin University after being led by Prof. Drs. Wolhoff and his secretary Drs. Muhammad Baga on September 1, 1956. Then finally Hasanuddin University was officially establihed on September 10, 1956.
During the stagnation period of the Faculty of Economics at the end of 1950, Nuruddin Sahadat, Prof. Drs. G.J. Wolhoff, Mr. Tjia Kok Tjiang, J.E. Tatengkeng and friends prepared the establishment of a private Faculty of Law. Their efforts eventually led to the establishment of the Sawerigading College Institute under the management of Prof. Drs. G.J. Wolhoff. However, they still tried to actualize a state university, and the State University Committee was formed in March 1950. The path taken to establish the university was preceded by the opening of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge, a branch of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (UI), which was officially established on March 3, 1952 with the first Dean, Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, who was also the Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (UI). Based on a high spirit of work, independence and devotion, the Faculty of Law led by Prof. Dr. Mr. C. de Heern and continued by Prof. Drs. G.H.M. Riekerk, within four years was able to separate itself from the University of Indonesia with the enactment of Government Regulation No. 23 of 1956 on September 10, 1956.
The Sawerigading College Hall Foundation’s efforts to establish a Faculty of Medicine were manifested by an agreement between the Foundation and the Ministry of P and K which was stipulated in the meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 22, 1953. Based on this decision, a Preparatory Committee for the Faculty of Medicine in Makassar was formed, led by Syamsuddin Daeng Mangawing with Muhammad Rasyid Daeng Sirua as secretary and the members were J.E. Tatengkeng, Andi Patiwiri and Sampara Daeng Lili.On January 28, 1956, the Minister of P and K, Prof. Mr. R. Soewandi officially launched the Faculty of Medicine of Makassar, which later became the Faculty of Medicine of Hasanuddin University in line with the inauguration of Hasanuddin University on September 10, 1956.
The struggle and determination of the people of South Sulawesi to produce talented engineers of the nation was successful when the Minister of P and K of the Republic of Indonesia issued Decree No. 88130/S dated September 8, 1960 regarding the establishment of the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, chaired by lr. J. Pongrekun and secretary lr. Ramli Cambari Saka with three departments of Civil, Mechanical and Shipping. In 1963, the Departments of Electronics and Architecture were formed and the Faculty of Engineering was completed as the 4th faculty.
Prior to the Decree of the Minister of PP and K dated December 3, 1960 No. 102248/UU/1960 regarding the Establishment of the Faculty of Letters at Hasanuddin University, there had been a “fusion” of several units of the B.1 Course Program from the Makassar College Foundation to Hasanuddin University. The foundation, led by Syamsuddin Dg Mangawing with members including Prof. G.J. Wolhoff, was a splinter of Sawerigading University led by Nuruddin Sahadat. The “fusion” event The B.1 Paedagogic Course Program, Eastern Literature and Western Literature to UNHAS on November 2, 1959 became the forerunner of the Faculty of Letters which was officially formed according to the Decree of the Minister of PP and K on November 3, 1960.
Following the “birth” of the Faculty of Letters, the 6th Faculty of Social and Political Sciences was born in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of P & K dated January 30, 1961 No. A. 4692/U.U.41961, effective from February 1, 1961. Initially, this faculty was a private university named the Faculty of Tata Praja, University of 17 August 1945 which was founded by Mr. Tjia Kok Tjiang who later became the head of the faculty and Mr. Sukamto as the secretary. On November 15, 1962 Mr. Sukamto was appointed as Dean and Abdullah Amu as Secretary.
During the leadership of Rector A. Amiruddin based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0266/Q/1977 dated July 16, 1977, the Faculty of Letters was integrated into the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences along with the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and the Faculty of Economics. The same thing also happened to the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences which were integrated into the Faculty of Science and Technology, except for the Faculty of Law which was not “willing” to integrate with the Faculty of Socio-Cultural Sciences. Six years later, in 1983, this integration was revoked with the issuance of Government Regulation No. 5 of 1980, followed by Presidential Decree No. 68 of 1982.
Through cooperation with IPB Bogor and at the request of the Rector Prof. Arnold Mononutu, a Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of the Faculty of Agriculture was formed consisting of Prof. Dr. A. Azis Ressang, Lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB and Mr. Fachrudin, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, IPB. The collaboration of Prof. Ressang et al with the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Indonesia and IPB resulted in the Decree of the Minister of PTIP RI Prof. Dr. Ir. Toyib Hadiwidjaya dated August 17, 1962 and officially the Faculty of Agriculture became the 7th faculty within Hasanuddin University.
The Governor Andi Pangerang Petta Rani in a meeting on March 11, 1963 appointed lr. Aminuddin Ressang as chairman of the sub-working committee for the establishment of the Faculty of Pasti and Natural Sciences (FIPIA) was officially formed based on the wire letter of the Minister of PTIP dated August 8, 1963 No. 59 1 BM/PTIP/63 followed by Ministerial Decree No. 102 of 1963 effective August 17, 1963.
In 1963, the Founding Committee of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry in Makassar was formed, led by Syamsuddin Dg Mangawing with members Andi Pangerang Petta Rani, Drh. A. Dahlan and Andi Patiwiri. On October 10, 1963, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry (FKHP), which had private status, was founded by Drh. Achmad Dahlan with Assistant Deans I, II respectively Drh. Muh. Gaus Siregar and Andi Baso Ronda, B. Agr.Sc. As of May 1, 1964, the private faculty was legalized as the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University through the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 37 11964 dated May 4, 1964.
Dental Education was established on January 23, 1969 as a result of cooperation between the University and the Navy as a pioneer of Admiral Mursalim Dg Mamanggun, S.H., Rector of Unhas Lt. Colonel Dr. M. Natsir Said, S.H. and Drg. Halima Dg Sikati and named the Yos Sudarso Institute of Dentistry. In 1970 the Institute officially became the Department of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University and then became the Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University in 1983.
The Faculty of Public Health (FKM) was established on November 5, 1982 which initially accepted Diploma Three Health graduates and later in 1987 FKM Unhas accepted high school graduates. FKM is the 11th faculty within Unhas.
As a realization of the development of the Principal Scientific Pattern (PIP) which is a reference for the orientation of higher education institutions in Indonesia, then in 1988 UNHAS officially opened the Marine Science Study program with the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No.19/Dikti/Kep/1988, dated June 16, 1988. Initially, since there was no proper container, the program had a cross-faculty status and was directly under the rector. Given its marine-oriented nature, the program was eventually formed into the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Sciences by incorporating the Fisheries Department into it based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No.036/0/1996, dated January 29, 1996.
On the 25th Anniversary, September 17, 1981 President Soeharto inaugurated the Tamalanrea Campus which was originally designed by Paddock Inc, Massachustts, USA and built by OD 205, Netherlands in cooperation with PT Sangkuriang Bandung on a 220 Ha land.
Since the issuance of Decree of the Minister of PP and K No. 3369/S dated June 1, 1956 starting September 1, 1956 and with PP No. 23 dated September 8, 1956, State Gazette No. 39 of 1956 which was officially opened by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Drs. Moh. Hatta on September 10, 1956, UNHAS has been led by a number of Rectors namely:
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