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Need Support, Menteri Besar Johor Malaysia Visited Universitas Hasanuddin

The Most Honourable (Yang Amat Berhad/YAB) Dr. Sahruddin Bin Haji Jamal, The Menteri Besar Johor Malaysia, visited Universitas Hasanuddin on Friday, August 23rd, 2019 at 14.00 WITA in Room Meeting A, 4th Floor, Rectorate Building, Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar.

The visit of The Menteri Besar Johor and team was warmly welcomed by Rector of Unhas, Prof. Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, MA., Secretary of University, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Nasaruddin Salam, MT, Vice-rectors, and Deans from faculties in Unhas.

YAB Dr. Sahruddin Bin Haji Jamal is an Alumni of Faculty of Medicine Unhas in 1995. His visit to Unhas was in order to seek support for the development of leading sectors in Johor which was the mandate of the Malaysian government.

 “Johor is a region with the highest level of income per capita in Malaysia. We were given a mandate from the government to become a center of animal husbandry, agriculture, fisheries, and marine products.” Said YAB Sahruddin explaining his purpose.

In this visit, the Mentri Besar Johor had discussed with some experts and deans at Unhas about innovative products in the sector of animal husbandry, fisheries, and marine products.

The Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Prof. dr. Budu, Sp.M(K), Ph.D., M.Ed, who guided the discussion,  explained that Unhas has a lot of excellent innovation in various fields.

“some experts from Unhas provided explanation related to the development of the leading sectors which the Mentri Besar asked for,” said Prof. Budu.

The Discussion which lasted about two hours gave the Unhas experts the opportunity to present their innovation in the field of animal husbandry, marine, fishery, and also medicine.

Previously, the Mentri Besar Johor visited Unhas Educational Farm at Puccak, Maros, and proceeded to Seed Center located in Maros. (*)


Editor: Ishaq Rahman

Ishaq Rahman

Head of sub-directorate of Public Relation and Information

Directorate of Communication Hasanuddin University

Translator: Kumara Tungga Dewa    

Translation Editor: Karmila Mokoginta

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