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JICA-CBEST Assistance Ends, This is The Result of The Achievement of The Faculty of Engineering of Universitas Hasanuddin

The Assistance Project for Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in the process of capacity building in the fields of engineering, science, and technology or better known as C-BEST (Capacity Building in Engineering, Science and Technology) at the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, has officially ended.

The Collaboration agreement that began in 2015 was ended with a Courtesy Call as well as discussing the result of the five-year assistance project. On this occasion, a discussion was also held to listen to ideas and thoughts from both parties regarding the expectation of future collaboration.

The Dean of Faculty of Engineering of Unhas, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Arsyad, M.T., explained that during the assistance of JICA-CBEST, many collaboration achievements were Accomplished. For instance, we have conducted several international conferences, Innovation Week projects, and also collaborative research development.

“JICA Project and faculty of engineering of Unhas aim to build capacity because the faculty of engineering has quite complete facilities and nearly 100 doctoral qualified human resources. This JICA assistance helps us to increase capacity in the engineering field.” Said Prof. Arsyad.

Although the assistance project has ended officially, the faculty of engineering still hopes to renew the project with JICA.

“We have communicated our plan to establish a new project related to our plan from faculty of engineering in building an STP (Science Techno Park),” Said Prof. Arsyad.

Several C-BEST activities had been carried out, such as research grants, national and international seminars, master’s scholarship programs for education, doctoral scholarship programs for lecturers, COT (Centre of Technology) management training, and several other collaborations.

Courtesy Call of the Final Project conducted by two JICA-CBEST experts, Prof. Yoshihiro Narita (Academic Advisor) and Mr. Sakae Yamada (Project Coordinator) was received by the Unhas Vice-Rector. The meeting was conducted on Friday (1/3) on the 3rd floor of the Unhas Rectorate Building, Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar. (*)


Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

Editor: Ishaq Rahman, AMIPR

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