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Delegation of the Institut Francais Indonesia (IFI) Discussed the cooperation related to Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (The Three Pillars of Higher Education).

Rector of Universitas Hasanuddin, Prof. Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, MA., warmly welcomed M. Stephane Dovert, the French Embassy Counselor for Cooperation and the Director of Institut Francais Indonesia (the Indonesian Francais Institute). The visit was to discuss opportunities for cooperation in the development of the Three Pillars of higher education.

The activity was conducted offline at 16.00 WITA, in the Unhas Rector’s Office, Lt. 8 Unhas Rectorate Building, Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar, under the Covid-19 health protocol on Monday (21/06).

M. Philippe Grange (Attache for Cooperation of French Language) was also present as one of the delegations of IFI. As for the Unhas side, the Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Partnership, Prof. dr. Nasrum Massi, Ph.D., the Director of Unhas Partnership, and several lecturers of the French Literature Department also took part in this activity.

Stephane Dovert explained that the purpose of his visit to Unhas was to strengthen cooperation and to discuss partnership opportunities that could happen from 2021 to 2022. He said the French Embassy in Indonesia is committed to developing collaborations with universities through various potential programs.

Stephane Dovert also pointed out that France and Unhas have been collaborating for a long time. A series of collaborations with the IFI representative office in Surabaya simultaneously have taken place, such as the implementation of the DELF exam and the establishment of Warung Prancis for academic and cultural activities.

“Currently, there are 15 universities in France that have joined the Merdeka Belajar (independent learning) program. We hope that Unhas students can take part in the learning programs at those universities. To support student learning programs, Unhas provides students with internship lecturers who can teach French” explained Stephane Dovert.

Rector of Universitas Hasanuddin, Prof. Dwia, welcomed the visit of the IFI Delegation. She explained that Unhas has Warung Prancis established in 2012 as a result of the partnership with IFI, an extension of the French Embassy in Indonesia.

“We are very grateful if IFI can help facilitate the presence of foreign lecturers. We hope for support from the Embassy. In the future, socialization about French universities that have joined the independent learning program can be carried out immediately so that in the next batch, there will be many Unhas students interested in joining that program,” explained Prof. Dwia.

Before meeting the Rector of Universitas Hasanuddin, the IFI Delegation first visited the Warung Prancis located in the Unhas Central Library. IFI is ready to help and be actively involved in the development of Warung Prancis as a medium of information and learning for students.

Marningsih Sadik, S.S. and Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

Editor : Ishaq Rahman, AMIPR

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