Hasanuddin University through the Faculty of Medicine (FK Unhas) organized a guest lecture entitled “Emerging Viruses at The Human-Animal Interface”. FK Unhas invited Jurre Y. Siegers, PhD, a post-doctoral researcher from Pasteur Institute Cambodia. It occurred at the Faculty of Medicine, Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar, on Thursday (30/03).
This activity was attended by lecturers, residents, students and researchers of FK Unhas including dr. Baedah Madjid, Sp.MK (K), dr. Isra Wahid, Ph.D, dr. A. R. Sultan, DMM., M.Sc., Ph.D., Sp.MK and SP1 residents of Clinical Microbiology, Master students of Biomedicine on Concentration of Microbiology, researchers and doctoral students. In general, the activity aims to introduce the importance of virus surveillance in animals to prevent new pandemics.
On this occasion, Jurre Y. Siegers, PhD discussed virus surveillance in animals as a preventive measure to face future pandemics. The activity ended with a question-and-answer session about virus surveillance in animals and its impact and a group photo.
Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.