On September 24th to October 5th the Faculty of Nursing visited some of Australia’s best campuses, namely La Trobe University, Meulborne, Monash University, Victoria, Australian Catholic University, Meulborne, and Flinders University, Adelaide.
This activity is to strengthen information and experience in order to prepare for national and international accreditation, which will be implemented in 2024 next year.
The visit to the four best universities in Australia also focused on the observation and development of the Simulation Center, which is also the main program of the Faculty of Nursing in 2024. In particular, the implementation of activities also focused on potential research collaborations and publications with four nursing colleges in Australia.
Visited several campus facilities and discussed the professor’s visit to the Faculty of Nursing in November and outbound students to La Trobe University in 2024.
The upcoming plan is that the Head of the Nursing Faculty will conduct correspondence for the follow-up of the new MoA at three universities in Australia and continue the Student Mobility Program, Research Collaboration and Publication, International Conference, Visiting Professor, and International Student Ph.D. Program.
Editor : Ahmad