Universitas Hasanuddin has finally succeeded in becoming a world-class university, according to the Times Higher Education (THE) University Ranking 2022. It is reported on THE’s website, http://www.timeshighereducation.com, announced on Thursday (02/09).
THE World University Ranking 2022 is the most prominent university ranking to date, including 1,600 universities across 99 countries worldwide.
THE World University Ranking assessment includes 13 calibrated performance indicators measuring an institution’s performance in four aspects: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook.
According to the explanation stated on the website of THE University World Ranking, this year’s assessment was analyzed based on complex data, namely: 108 million citations in more than 14,4 million publications, including responses from a survey of more than 22,000 academics across the world. THE collected more than 430,000 data points from more than 2,100 institutions submitting the data.
The result of the assessment shows that Universitas Hasanuddin is ranked 1,201+ in the world. This is the first time Unhas enlisted in the world ranking based on THE World University Ranking version. Previously, Unhas was only placed in THE Impact Rankings for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As for the national ranking, Universitas Hasanuddin is in position of 4-14 (in 9th place). Here is the ranking position of Universitas Hasanuddin among 14 other Indonesian universities based on THE ranking:
1. Universitas Indonesia (801 – 1000)
2. Institut Teknologi Bandung (1001 – 1200)
3. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (1001 – 1200)
4. Universitas Airlangga (1201+)
5. Universitas BINUS (1201+)
6. Universitas Brawijaya (1201+)
7. Universitas Diponegoro (1201+)
8. Universitas Gadjah Mada (1201+)
9. Universitas Hasanuddin ((1201+)
10. Universitas IPB (1201+)
11. Universitas Padjadjaran (1201+)
12. Universitas Sebelas Maret (1201+)
13. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (1201+)
14. Universitas Telkom (1201+)
Formerly, Universitas Hasanuddin had succeeded in being listed as a world-class university according to QS World University Ranking version. Through this achievement in THE World University Ranking, Universitas Hasanuddin has enlarged its success as a world-class university.
Marningsih Sadik, S.S. and Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.
Editor : Ishaq Rahman, AMIPR