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The Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) Unhas Holds the 6th ICoBTD International Conference presenting Speakers from Various Countries

Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) of Universitas Hasanuddin again held an international conference entitled “The 6th International Conference on Biophysical Technology in Dentistry” on the theme “Global Trend Transformation in Dental Practice and Research”. The activity was conducted virtually through the Zoom Meeting application at 09.00 WITA on Thursday (28/10).

The conference presented 12 speakers from eight countries, including Prof. Yoshihiro Abiko, B.A., D.D.S., Ph.D. (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan), Dr. Salem Alkaabi (HOD Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, United Arab Emirates), Prof. Huynh Cong Nhat Nam (University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam), and Prof. Cheng Hwee Min (Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia).

At that point, Dean of FKG Unhas, Prof. drg. Muhammad Ruslin, M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.BM(K). stated that this activity aimed to provide space for the development of knowledge, expanding networks, experiences and discussing the role and development of dentistry.

ICoBTD is an essential step of FKG Unhas in expanding sustainable partnerships, particularly in encouraging the development and contribution of dentistry, which is done in collaboration with Brawijaya University and Airlangga University.

“Despite the pandemic, it does not become an obstacle to optimise the understanding regarding the development of dental science. Moreover, since the strike of Covid-19, there have been more challenges in maximising dentists’ roles and activities. This is an appropriate forum to discuss with each other and generate useful ideas for the community,” Prof. Ruslin explained.

The activity was officially opened by Prof. dr. Moh. Nasrum Massi, Ph.D., the Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Partnerships. In his remarks, he welcomed this annual activity held by FKG Unhas. Unhas always supports activities that encourage various steps to achieve World Class University, especially those engaged in the internationalisation process.

Furthermore, Prof. Nasrum explained that Unhas had committed to improving its quality and reputation at national and international levels. Such activity will pave the way for collaborative research, publications and journals of Unhas and provide benefits for participants, which will impact the Unhas ranking.

“We hope that this such activity can continue to be optimised. At this moment, Unhas keeps striving for quality improvement from various aspects, one of which is international reputation through WCU. ICoBTD as a collaboration between the FKG Unhas and other universities will surely open other sources of collaboration in various aspects, including research, publication, partnership and many more,” explained Prof Nasrum.

As arranged, the activity was further continued with a material presentation from the presented speakers.

Prof. Yoshihiro Abiko, B.A., D.D.S., Ph.D., one of the speakers from Japan, expressed his views on “DNA Methylation in Oral Disease/Psychosomatic Dentistry in Our Oral Medicine Clinic”.

He explained that DNA methylation is one of some epigenetic mechanisms that cells use to control gene expression. It has been investigated mainly in malignant tumours that an aberrant DNA methylation can lead to other common diseases such as inflammatory, degenerative and metabolic diseases.

“DNA methylation has an impact on the process of adding methyl groups to DNA. In this process, covalent nucleotides are modified in the human genome, including cytosine and guanine, CpG dinucleotides. CpG is a DNA region where Cytosine nucleotides followed by Guanine nucleotides is in a linear sequence of bases along the length of the DNA. 5′-3′ direction. CpG sites occur with high frequency in the genome region,” Prof. Yoshihiro explained.

ICoBTD is scheduled to last three days until Saturday (30/10).

On the first day, the presentation of the material was followed by a parallel session. The participants presented the results of their research. The activity went smoothly until 15.00 WITA. (*/mir)

Marningsih Sadik, S.S. and Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

Editor : Ishaq Rahman, AMIPR

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