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Universitas Hasanuddin Held a Workshop on Journal Standardization and Pre-Evaluation for Scopus Indexation

To accelerate the quality of journals, Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas), Faculty of Agriculture, held a Workshop on Journal Standardization and Scopus Re-accreditation and Indexation. The activity took place virtually through the zoom meeting application on Saturday (10/04).

Prof Kuswanto (Chief editor, AGRIVITA Scopus), Muhammad Arsyad, Ph.D. (Director of Publication Management Center of UNHAS), and Andi Dirpan, Ph.D. (Chief Editor CANREA Journal, SINTA-3) presented as main speakers of the workshop.

Prof. Dr. Sc.Agr. Ir. Baharuddin, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, explained that this workshop aims to reach targets and achievement of agricultural performance indicators in 2020 and prepare for 2021. In this case, the two leading indicators are the numbers of international journals indexed by Scopus and the quality of the National journal and the global index.

“The Faculty of Agriculture already has five national accredited Journals. We hope these Journals can be accredited and considered for Pre-evaluation Scopus. Moreover, this activity involves graduated students who are expected to understand the submission process of a national and international journal.” Said Prof. Baharuddin.

Prof. Kuswanto presented the initial topic discussing the stages of journal indexation in Scopus. Moreover, he also informed the minimum criteria for a journal indexed by Scopus, such as the fulfilment of outstanding editor, manuscript quality, diversity authors, editor, and reviewer. The indexation is significant to increase the number of Journal visitors, which will improve the citation quality or research impacts.

Muhammad Arsyad carried out the second presentation regarding “The Critical Point for National Journal Re-Accreditation”. He said that besides conducting workshops on journal management and reinforcement, Unhas regularly monitors the journal at the Faculty of Agriculture to prepare for national re-accreditation. Furthermore, he also emphasized that it is essential to upgrade and reform the critical point for the re-accreditation.

Andi Dirpan, as the last speaker, delivered a topic of presentation about the management and existence of a journal, including the significance of the diverse authors and reviewers to optimize the journal management in OJS Flow. Dipan explained that a reviewer’s role is crucial in upgrading a journal’s quality to become reputable. In addition, he highlighted that the management of electronic references is required to increase the reference quality of a paper.


Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

Editor: Ishaq Rahman, AMIPR

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