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Hasanuddin University Organizes GIESED 2022 International Conference, Discussing Sustainable Green Environment

Hasanuddin University through the Postgraduate School (SPS) anew held an international conference entitled “The 5th International Conference on Global Issues for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development” with the theme “Green and Sustainable Environment Towards Net Zero Carbon Cities”. The conference took place virtually via zoom meeting at 09.00 WITA, on Wednesday (11/23).

Ir. H. Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto (Mayor of Makassar) was present to be the keynote speaker of this event together with the other speakers; Prof. Dahlang T., S.Si., M.Si (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia), Dr. Toong-Khuan Chan (The University of Melbourne, Australia), Andi Asiz, Ph.D.PEng. (Department of Civil Engineering of Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU), Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia) and David Woodward, Ph.D. (Belfast School of Architecture of the Be Ulster University, United Kingdom).

Overseeing the event, Prof. Baharuddin, ST., M.ARCH., Ph.D. as the Vice Dean for Academic, Research and Innovation explained that this conference is an annual agenda where resource persons from different countries are presented to give insights related to their respective scientific fields. It is hoped that through this meeting, ideas, suggestions or recommendations can be generated to meet society’s needs particularly in relation to the current problems encountered by the society.

“I send my sincere appreciation to all the resource persons and committee involved. This conference has received approximately 137 papers to be presented. Those papers were submitted by numerous agencies ranging from higher education institutions to BRIN,” explained Prof. Baharuddin.

On the same occasion, the Dean of the UNHAS Postgraduate School, Prof. dr. Budu, Ph.D., Sp.M (K)., M.Med.Ed., expressed his gratitude for the resource persons’ enthusiasm to share information and experiences to the participants. He said in his speech that generally the Postgraduate School continues to expand its commitment and contribution in supporting UNHAS towards a World Class University, one of which is by optimizing international activities manifested from public lectures to international conferences by presenting speakers from various universities and different regions.

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