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Prof. Ansar Suyuti’s Strategy to Develop Institut Teknologi Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (ITBH), the New Institute in Eastern Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ansar Suyuti, MT. is a Professor from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas). On Tuesday, October 5, 2021, he was officially appointed as the First Rector of Institut Teknologi Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (ITBH) Parepare.  He has prepared some strategies to develop and make ITBH a leading science and technology-based institute.

In an interview, Prof. Ansar expressed his gratitude for the trust given.  He told the story of his appointment to serve the institution. It started when the Rector of Unhas received a notification from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (kemendikburistek) to propose a name as a candidate for the rector of ITBH.  After a series of the selection process from the ministry, he was chosen to be the first rector of ITBH.

To begin with, Prof. Ansar immediately worked to complete the leadership structure, with quality human resources according to the organizational structure of an institute. Next year, ITBH should be open for student admission for the academic year 2022/2023. By that, good preparation is necessary to provide academic teaching standards.

Furthermore, Prof. Ansar will expand collaboration with various institutions and universities so that ITBH can compete with other universities as a public university.     Moreover, he will also organize lecturers who have high qualifications and expertise in their respective fields. At least, Prof. Ansar already has 15 quality lecturers and eight educational staff.

“This is a big responsibility that requires thorough preparation. We hope that ITBH can contribute to national and global development like other universities. The contribution requires extra efforts, and we hope Unhas can support us to meet our noble mission. In addition, collaboration with the local government also will be optimized. So the existence of ITB can be in line with the government demand in producing Human Resources to support the regional development,” said Prof. Ansar

Institut Teknologi Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (ITBH) is a public educational institution established by the Third President of Republic Indonesian, Dr. Ing. BJ. Habibie. ITBH was built 15 years ago on a former Youth Building in Parepare City, South Sulawesi.

The presence of ITBH is expected to generate a positive impact for people in South Sulawesi. In addition to strengthening Parepare as the city of education, ITBH is expected to affect the economic sector of the region positively. ITBH as an Institute of Technology also become a new hope for the emergence of Indonesian technocrats from Eastern Indonesia.

According to the review results from Institutions of Higher Education Service (LDIKTI) Region IX Sulawesi, three study programs are available for bachelor degrees in ITBH. Based on a recommendation issued No. Ref. T/6222/L9/KL.00.00/2019, ITBH has organized the three study programs since 2019. The study programs available are Computer Science and Information Technology, Information Systems, and Mathematics.

At the end of the interview, Prof. Ansar confessed that the preparation requires the involvement of all parties so that the vision and mission can be realized and generate young scholars who are experts in the field of engineering.

Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

Editor: Ishaq Rahman, AMIPR

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