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Universitas Hasanuddin and PT. Kalbe Farma Cooperately Conducted Workshop on Seaweed Cultivation

Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas) through its Center for Excellence in Science and Technology of the Development and Utilization of Seaweed (PUI-P2RL) cooperated with PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk. Conducting a Webinar of Porphyra Sp. Seaweed Cultivation. The webinar was carried out online via Zoom Meeting Application on Tuesday (27/04).

Dr. Bambang Setiadi, IPU (Head of National Research 2015-2018 and 2019-2020), Lideman Zawawi, Ph.D. (Directorate General of Aquaculture, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia) and Prof. Tamiji Yamamoto (Head of Center for Restoration of Basin Ecosystem and Environment, Japan).

In opening remarks, Kasmiati, S.TP., MP., Ph.D., as the Head of PUI-P2RL Unhas, said that the webinar is part of research collaboration agendas with PT. Kalbe Farma related to the development and utilization of Seaweed.

Indonesia is one of the biggest seaweed producers. However, the management seems defective. She hopes that the webinar can encourage awareness and increase information regarding the potential seaweed in producing various, innovative, and valuable product.

Vice-rector for Research, Innovation, and Partnership of Unhas, Prof. dr. Muh. Nasrum Massi, Ph.D., asserted Unhas support toward this event that specifically discussed seaweed potentials.

“The cooperation is expected to contribute to problem-solving related to the development and utilization of seaweed at the national level. Sustainably, the goals to produce food with high protein content can be realized through seaweed management,” said Prof Nasrum.

Pre Agusta Siswantoro as a Manufacturing Director of PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk. officially opened the event and explained the utilization of seaweed for various products, for instance, cosmetics, foods, and medicines. Indonesia is one of the biggest seaweed producing countries. Porphyra Sp is the most common type of seaweed found in Eastern Indonesia. However, this seaweed variety is still lack development and utilization.

Furthermore, Pre Agusta thanked Unhas for the cooperation to research Porphyra Sp., the type of seaweed that has the best efficiency and management of various types of innovative products.

After delivering remarks, the event then proceeded with the presentation of material from the speakers.

The first speaker is Dr. Bambang Setiadi, IPU., who discussed “Cooperation between Industry and Universities Towards Seaweed Innovation”. In his presentation, he conveyed that the development of seaweed can be a significant commodity for economic welfare. Besides having millions of hectare of land, Indonesia is also rich in various types of seaweed and product downstream.

“The latest development of seaweed is very important because its utilization can lead to health. the development is also rapidly growing and proven by various important ingredients, for example, having protein 5 times greater than meat, calcium content 10 times more than milk and several other important ingredients, “explained Dr. Bambang.

Moreover, Dr. Bambang added that the cultivation of Porphyra Sp. requires expansion that can have a positive impact on local poverty, ecosystem management, and climate change mitigation. Cultivation of Porphyra Sp. can also produce sufficient biomass and protein for humans without extensive land and freshwater.

The last presentation was delivered by Lidewan Zawawi and Prof. Tamiji Yamamoto. The participants enthusiastically gave questions, suggestions, and input in the development of Porphyra Sp. seaweed cultivation.

The activity guided by Jamaluddin Fitrah Alam as the moderator went smoothly and ended at 13.00 WITA.


Kumara Tungga Dewa, S.S.

Editor: Ishaq Rahman, AMIPR


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